Frecuently asked questions

1) How do I access the content of this publication?

To download and/or view the content, enter the activation code. The code is printed on a card inside the hard-copy publication.

If you do not have an activation code, you will not be able to view or downloaded the full articles; you will simply be able to view the article titles. To obtain an activation code, please contact sales to purchase one.

2) How many times can I download a file?

Each file can only be downloaded three times. After the three downloads the files will only be able to be accessed as they are saved on your computer or mobile device.

3) I cannot open or view the documents

Install Adobe Acrobat Reader® by clicking here. If you already have the software installed and continue to have issues viewing the content, we recommend downloading the latest version of Acrobat.

4) If a document is missing or corrupt, what should I do?

For these types of problems, please contact technical support.

5) I forgot my password. How can I get a new one?

Enter the Access page, chose the option “I’ve already activated the access” and click “Forgot your password?” A new password will be e-mailed to you.

6) How can I view other publications?

At the top of the page there is a drop-down menu, there you can view all the 2013 publications as they become available.

Keep in mind that to view and download a publication, you must first have an activation code.

7) The activation code is invalid.

In the case that your activation code was not included, is lost or invalid, please contact technical support.

8) How do I edit my user profile/ change my e-mail and password?

Once you have entered the system with your existing name and password, click on the My Profile section to edit your profile information.

9) How can I obtain the book of abstracts?

To purchase a hard-copy book of abstracts, please contact sales.

10) Can I print the contents of a publication, copy it or share it with third parties?

Copying or selling this product to third parties is prohibited. For more information please see the restrictions and terms of use.

11) My question is not in the FAQs.

For any question or concern that has not been covered in this list, please continue to the contact page.